发布时间:2018-11-20 16:08:17    作者:    点击:[]
姓名 刘继凯


出生年月 1987.6
学历 博士研究生 学位 博士
专业技术职务及任导师情况  教授,博士研究生导师
所在一级学科名称  机械工程
所在二级学科名称  机械制造及其自动化






Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Additive Manufacturing Journal, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, International Journal of Fracture, Combustion Theory and Modeling, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, Advances in Engineering Software,  Engineering Optimization等十余个国际期刊审稿人



2016/02至2016/09:加拿大阿尔伯塔大学 博士后
2016/10至2018/10:美国匹兹堡大学 博士后
2018/11至今:山东大学 教授



2017年秋季学期在美国匹兹堡大学机械工程与材料科学学院讲授研究生专业课程:ME 2087: Structural Topology Optimization for Additive Manufacturing
山东大学:Theoretical Mechanics;增材制造结构拓扑优化方法



1. 高性能复杂制造国家重点实验室开放课题(Kfkt2016-07),3D增材制造齿轮疲劳强度计算方法研究,2017/01-2018/12,共同主持
2. 美国自然科学基金项目(CMMI-1634261),Novel Computational Approaches to Address Key Design Optimization Issues for Metal Additive Manufacturing,2016/10-2019/09,参与,主要完成人
3. 作为主要完成人参与多项加拿大自然科学与工程研究理事会(NSERC)和加拿大信息技术与综合系统数学组织(Mitacs)支持的科研及校企合作项目


1. Liu JK, Zheng YF, Ma YS, Qureshi AJ, Ahmad R* (2018) A topology optimization method for hybrid subtractive-additive remanufacturing, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing – Green Technology, accepted.
2. Liu JK, Gaynor AT, Chen SK, Kang Z, Suresh K, Takezawa A, Li L, Kato J, Tang JY, Wang CCL, Cheng L, Liang X, To AC* (2018) Current and future trends in topology optimization for additive manufacturing, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, DOI: 10.1007/s00158-018-1994-3.
3. Liu JK*, Ma YS (2018) A new multi-material level set topology optimization method with the length scale control capability. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 329, pp. 444-463.
4. Liu JK*, Li L, Ma YS (2018) Uniform thickness control without pre-specifying the length scale target under the level set topology optimization framework. Advances in Engineering Software, vol. 115, pp. 204-216.
5. Liu JK, Yu HC, To AC* (2018) Porous structure design through Blinn transformation-based level set method, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol. 57, pp. 849-864.
6. Cheng L, Liu JK, Liang X, To AC* (2018) Coupling lattice structure topology optimization with design-dependent feature evolution for additive manufactured heat conduction design. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 332, pp. 408-439.
7. Cheng L, Liu JK, To AC* (2018) Concurrent lattice infill with feature evolution optimization for additive manufactured heat conduction design. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol. 58, pp. 511-535.
8. Liu JK, Ma YS, Qureshi AJ, Ahmad R (2018) Light-weight shape and topology optimization with hybrid deposition path planning for FDM parts, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 97, pp. 1123-1135.
9. Liu JK, Tang JY, Ahmad R, Ma YS (2018) Meta-material topology optimization with geometric control. Computer Aided Design and Applications, accepted.
10. Liu JK, Cheng L, To AC* (2017) Arbitrary void feature control in level set topology optimization. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 324, pp. 595-618.
11. Liu JK, To AC* (2017) Deposition path planning-integrated structural topology optimization for 3D additive manufacturing subject to self-support constraint, Computer-Aided Design, vol. 91, pp. 27-45.
12. Liu JK, Yu HC* (2017) Concurrent deposition path planning and structural topology optimization for additive manufacturing, Rapid Prototyping Journal, vol. 23, pp.930-942.
13. Zhang Pu, Liu JK, To AC* (2017) Role of anisotropic properties on topology optimization of additive manufactured load bearing structures, Scripta Materialia, vol. 135, pp. 148-152.(共同一作)
14. Liu JK, Ma YS* (2017) Design of pipeline opening layout through level set topology optimization, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol. 55, pp. 1613-1628.
15. Liu JK, To AC* (2017) Topology optimization for hybrid additive-subtractive manufacturing, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol. 55, pp. 1281-1299.
16. Liu JK*, Ma YS (2017) Sustainable design oriented level set topology optimization. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 139, 011403 (1-8)
17. Liu JK, Ma YS* (2017) Truss-like structure design with local geometry control, Computer-Aided Design and Applications, vol. 14, pp. 324-330.
18. Liu JK, Ma YS*, (2016) A survey of manufacturing oriented topology optimization methods, Advances in Engineering Software, vol. 100, pp. 161-175.
19. Liu JK, Cheng ZR, Ma YS* (2016) Product design/optimization integration via associative optimization feature modeling, Advanced Engineering Informatics, vol. 30, pp. 713-727.
20. Liu JK, Yu HC, Ma YS* (2016) Minimum void length scale control in level set topology optimization subject to machining radii, Computer-Aided Design, vol. 81, pp. 70-80.
21. Liu JK, Duke K, Ma YS*, (2016) Multi-material plastic part design via the level set topology optimization method, Engineering Optimization, vol. 48, pp. 1910-1931
22. Liu JK* (2016), Guidelines for AM part consolidation, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, vol. 11, pp.133-141
23. Liu JK, Ma YS*, Fu JY, Duke K (2015), A novel CACD/CAD/CAE integrated design framework for fiber-reinforced plastic parts, Advances in Engineering Software, vol. 87, pp. 13-29
24. Liu JK, Ma YS* (2015), 3D level-set topology optimization: a machining feature-based approach, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol. 52, pp. 563-582
25. Liu JK, Duke K, Ma YS*, (2015) CAD-CAE associative feature based heterogeneous object modeling, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, vol. 7(12), pp. 1-14
1. Liu JK, Ma YS* (2015), Design history retrieval based structural topology optimization, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9426, pp. 262-270
2. Xie YN, Liu JK, Liu HY, Ma YS (2013), Feature and interoperability of computer aided engineering systems, in Semantic modeling and interoperability in product and process engineering (Ma Ed.), Springer, London, pp. 143–191.


1. 美国计算力学大会旅行奖,2017
2. 阿尔伯塔大学研究生旅行奖,2015
3. 阿尔伯塔大学职业发展奖,2015
4. 国家奖学金,2008




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